May 3, 2024


Everyone you meet, young or old woman, child, cisgender, lesbian, gay, bisexual transgender, queer, questioning, intersex, non-binary, all have the right to be respected and to have self-governance. Yeah, I know, you're probably stuck on "child". You will be surprised to know even children can communicate when they are uncomfortable. When the are too small to speak, they use their cries to convey discomfort. 

Simply put, everyone has the right to choose, who they want in their lives, to share a little, to share a lot or nothing about themselves with you. The degree is is not a determinant of your value or worth. Rather, it is about their personal choice to share or not to share. To set boundaries and parameters of comfort. In point, the same rights allotted to you. 

The truth is, we should All have boundaries that determine the depth and width of our relationships. Healthy Boundaries is a great thing.  Each of us needs to know what is and is not okay with the people in our lives. 

Boundaries teaches us the importance of our value and when conveyed to others, it teaches and establishes to the self and to others, what is acceptable, what is not acceptable, what will and will not be tolerated and how we want to be treated. 

Written by D.S.B.S Rhapsodyphoenix
©D.S.B.S Rhapsodyphoenix

Apr 22, 2024


The child abandons the parent.


Apr 12, 2024


When you don't honor your word to yourself. You are teaching You, not to trust in yourself. You are saying, "don't trust me, my word is not good". You are saying, "Your word have no value."

Keep your word to yourself. Follow through with your promises and commitment to yourself, for your own benefit. 

Trusting in yourself is one of the key navigational tools for moving through life. Don't afraid to be wrong. Don't be afraid to make mistakes. To err is human. The things you are wrong about, the mistakes are the lessons necessary for learning and growing designed to elevate you to your best self. 

Be true to you, even when you cannot be true to anyone else because, the one person you are always with, is YOU.


Apr 6, 2024


Nobody expects you to stay the same.

Why do you?

Change is a necessary inevitable.
Change brings growth.
Change births understanding.
Change brings eventual clarity out of the storm of confusion.
Change can usher in uncertainty to coerce submission, transition.
Change inevitably will happen with or without your consent.
If you want to have some say, be ready to...
Change coming.
Is always coming.
It always arrives on time.
In what can sometimes feel like, the inopportune time.
Outside of death, is the only guarantee, of ...
what is to be
What will be.
And yet, Not.
As it will inevitably, shift.
Be ready.
Be willing.
Be open.
To the possibilities.
To the manifesting other sides of you.
Be ready.
As it enters,
Be malleable,
To triumph, as you....
In contemplation...

Jan 29, 2024

2 $3:30 cents

Riding public transit can be a trip in more ways than the obvious. On my first leg of my commute into the downtown core, came the first observation. Passengers filed in the bus their presto card at the ready to put in front the machine so it can deduct the fees. Students under 12 free, students 13 and up $2.75, adults $3.30. As a gentleman press his card, the machine made a wonky song, meaning no funds. You could see the shock registered on his face. He tried again with the same results. He pull out his phone to show his electronic receipt show proof that he loaded the card. His distress obvious. The driver was saying something to him and he kept showing her his confirmation receipt ๐Ÿงพ, proof of payment. She continued going. I was able to capture her, "doesn't matter how much you loaded, the machine says you have nothing. I couldn't take it, I opened my purse ๐Ÿ‘› and retrieved my change purse. I silently counted out $3.30¢, got up, tapped him on the shoulder and gave him the $3.30 to pay. Shamed faced he tried to show me his payment receipt. I said, don't worry about it, it happens. I've been there. He looked at me with such gratitude. As we reached to the subway. He waited for me as I stood in line to off load. He said, thank you so much." I said, "no problem, you have a blessed day," and exited.

I can't stand deliberate humiliation. My God it's only $3.30¢ and the man clearly had proof of payment. There was no need to humiliate and emasculate the man for $3.30, for Christ sake. 

I have experienced this "none sufficient funds" wonky sound at least thrice with the presto transit card system, sometimes there is a delay in the loading of funds to the card even while you have the confirmation receipt. The sad part of this scenario is, the system will automatically deduct the $3.30 once it loads and she knows that. So the reality is he would have paid two fairs, but I don't care, I couldn't vicariously participate in this man's humiliation for $3.30. Seriously, where is the compassion, it's not like he was looking for a free ride!!
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